Hello, welcome to

Grant Personal Training

Program Register


Frequently asked questions

Our work process is intimate, personalized and results oriented, we focus on offering you a unique experience adapted to your individual needs, we start with a personal connection.

As soon as you complete your registration, you will receive a message via WhatsApp from your personal trainer. This call allows us to get to know you better, understand your goals, and discuss any relevant medical situation that we should take into account when developing your program. Within the next 24 hours after our first contact, you will receive your training plan adapted to your specific goals and needs.

This plan will be designed to challenge, motivate and bring you closer to achieving your well-being goals.

Depends, if you're in a gym, you can use the gym equipment.
For training, we can start with a yoga mat, hips (depending on your weight) and ligaments.
In case it's home training, I can provide the equipment.

We evaluate each client's situation individually during our first interaction via WhatsApp. Our priority is to ensure a safe and effective approach in your personalized training program.

This is a common question among our clients, and the answer varies depending on several factors, including each person's diet and level of discipline. Exercise is important, but nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving your weight goals. We recommend consulting a personalized meal plan to maximize your results.

Paypal to mail: bgeraldg_99@yahoo.com
Mobile Sinpe to: +(506) 88834109
*Applies only in Costa Rica. Send proof via WhatsApp.

YES, we offer this service in the Jacó area and surrounding areas. Due to equipment and personnel transportation, prices may vary. Please consult our rates